
Supporting child education - financially and morally

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Santhoshini Meena

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Santhoshini Meena

Our Artham mentor Mrs. Mala mam found this girl Santhoshini Meena who is very much in need and deserved for our help and she has personally visited their family and school to know their status before reaching us.

Santhoshini Meena is studying Eleventh standard in Sri Vidyalayam Matriculation Higher Secondary School, S.S.Colony, Madurai. Her father is suffering from Blood cancer and undergoing treatment in JIPMER Hospital, Pondy. Both parents are not working now. She has a brother who is studying Ninth in the same school.  Till these days their relatives were helping both for their education. But now no one is helping them and they are hopeless about their education. Father's medical expenses also makes them to run their family with difficulty. Siva Balan.S and Mala mam went to School and the Principal was glad for our help. Met her class teacher Mrs. Banu and she told that Santhoshini is very keen in studies and was eager to become CA (Chartered accountants) in future. She assured us that she will take full care in her studies.

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