
Supporting child education - financially and morally

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Shine Foundation

July 18, 2012

SHINE foundation,Madurai a special school formentally challenged (Special kids and adults) people, started in 2003 with three children initially. At present, there are around 75 students, 10 trained staffs and 4 physiotherapists. Some students were accommodated in another building at a fewer distance. With the coordinated help of the specially educated staffs and physiotherapists, it is functioning well.

Students are trained based on their capabilities. They are educated about the basic needs. To make them learn their daily routine activities, staffs trained with occupational therapy has been employed. For students withautism (A disorder of neural development marked by impaired communication and short attention span),memory loss and ADHD (A condition, mostly in boys, characterized by behavioural and learning disorders), staffs trained with the sensory integration therapy has been employed. Also, therapists are involved in order to train the students on their basic movements. In addition, various other activities like operating the computer, dancing, and music are also included, specially, to strengthen their abilities and thoughts.

A group of young minds from ARTHAM comprising of Siva Balan, Prabhu, Dinesh, Sundararajan, Arumugam, Vinoth Pandian, Vignesh, Manikandan, Anu renuga, Swetha and Varshini visited the foundation on 18th july 2k12 and engaged students with different activities. Various events were conducted. The day started with the students’ introduction. Few volunteers from ARTHAM, made them to participate in various activities such as crayon colouring, picture puzzle, sticker collage, and snow bowling etc. The turnout of the event was too good. Students took part in the event with more joy and enthusiasm. The shine event planned and executed with extreme care as 1st event of ARTHAM, was a great success.