Contribution for education of Priya Dharshini
March 22, 2015
Our Artham Member Arun Kumar.A , student named PRIYA DHARSHINI P doing final year B.E EEE in M. KUMARASAMY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, KARUR was struggling to pay her Examination fee. Unfortunately she is not having mother and father and now was in a situation to pay tuition fee of Rs 40,000. Through her friends she collected Rs 34,000 and owing to the shortage of Rs 6,000 she was unable to write the semester examination.
We helped her at right time to pay balance amount on 22nd March 2015. The entire class members have come and asked about our ARTHAM TRUST and personally everyone has conveyed their hearty thanks to our trust. Arun Kumar would like to thank all our Artham Volunteers on behalf of his student and was sure that we enlightened another student's life.